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Stainless Steel


304/304L, 316/316L



303, 304/304L, 316/316L,
416, 17-4

Half Rounds



303, 304/304L, 416


304, 304/304L, 316/316L



304/304L, 304 180 Grit


304, 304L, 316/316L, Floor Plate

Edge Conditioned Flats:




304/304L, 304 180 Grit

Square & Rectangular

304, 304 180 Grit


304, 304L, 316/316L

At Habor Steel, we stock a variety of Stainless Steel products in house including: sheet, plate, rounds, flat bar, angles, stainless tubing, pipe, as well as channels, beams and tees. Contact us today for a quote, or download our product catalog for a more detailed list of specifications.

Standard Finishes of Stainless Steel Flat-Rolled Products

Surface finishes on stainless steel sheets, strip, and plates are generally selected for appearance, although degree and extent of forming and welding should be taken into consideration. Where forming is severe, or much welding is done, it is often more economical to use a cold rolled finish and then polish.

Unpolished Finishes

No. 1 Finish is a hot rolled, annealed and descaled finish. Produced by hot rolling followed by annealing and descaling.
Generally used in industrial applications, such as for heat or corrosion resistance, where smoothness of finish is not of particular importance.

No. 2D Finish is a dull cold rolled finish produced by cold rolling, annealing, and descaling. The dull finish may result from the descaling or pickling operation or may be developed by a final light cold roll pass on dull rolls. The dull finish is favorable for the retention of lubricants on the surface in deep drawing operations.
This finish is generally used in forming deep drawn articles which may be polished after fabrication.

No. 2B Finish is a bright cold rolled finish commonly produced in the same manner as No. 2D, except that the annealed and descaled sheet receives a final light cold rolled pass on polished rolls. This is a general purposes cold rolled finish. It is commonly used for all but exceptionally difficult deep drawing applications.

This is more readily polished than No. 1 or No. 2D Finish.

Polished Finishes

Sheets can be produced with one or two sides polished. When polished on one side only, the other side may be rough ground in order to obtain the necessary flatness.

No. 3 Finish is a polished finish obtained with abrasives approximately 100 mesh, and which may or may not be additionally polished during fabrication.

No. 4 Finish is a general purpose polished finish widely used for restaurant equipment, kitchen equipment, store fronts, dairy equipment, etc. Following initial grinding with coarser abrasives, sheets are generally finished last with abrasives approximately 120 to 150 mesh.

No. 6 Finish is a dull satin finish having lower reflectivity than No. 4 Finish. It is produced by Tampico brushing No. 4 Finish sheets in a medium of abrasive and oil. It is used for architectural applications and ornamentation where a high luster is undesirable; it is also used effectively to contrast with brighter finishes.

No. 7 Finish has a high degree of reflectivity. It is produced by buffing of finely ground surface, but the grit lines are not removed. It is chiefly used for architectural and ornamental purposes.

No. 8 Finish is the most reflective finish that is commonly produced. It is obtained by polishing with successively finer abrasives and buffing extensively with very fine buffing rouges. The surface is essentially free of grit lines from preliminary grinding operations. This finish is most widely used for press plates, as well as for small mirrors and reflectors.

Type 303

Type 303 is a chromium-nickel stainless steel modified by the addition of selenium or sulphur, as well as phosphorous, to improve machinability and non-seizing properties. It is the most readily machinable of all the chromium-nickel grades and has good corrosion resistance. It is non-magnetic in the annealed condition and non hardenable by heat treatment. Tensile strength can be increased by cold working.

Applications—Used almost exclusively for parts requiring machining, grinding or polishing where good corrosion resistance is also required. It is non-seizing and non-galling properties make it ideal for moving parts. Being an austenitic steel, it is useful where low magnetic permeability is desired.

Type 304

Type 304 is the basic chromium-nickel stainless steel. It combines excellent mechanical properties with excellent resistance to many corrosive agents encountered in domestic and industrial use. It is non-magnetic in the annealed condition and not hardened by heat treatment. Both hardness and tensile strength can be increased by cold working. The analysis of Type 304 is similar to that of Type 302, except that Type 304 is modified by lowered carbon content. This provides good resistance to corrosion in welded construction where subsequent heat treatment is not practicable.

Applications—Used where corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties are primary requirements. These grades are widely accepted in such industries as dairy, beverage and other food products where the highest degree of sanitation and cleanliness is of prime importance. Parts for handling acetic, nitric and citric acids, organic and inorganic chemicals, dyestuffs, crude and refined oils, etc., are fabricated from this material. Because of its lack of magnetism it is highly desirable for instruments. It is also widely used for architectural trim. Type 304, as noted above, finds particular use in applications requiring welding.

Type 304 L (ELC)

Type 304 L (or ELC) is a very low carbon chromium nickel steel with corrosion resistance similar to T 304, but with superior resistance to intergranular corrosion following welding or stress relieving. The range of carbon content is controlled to the level of .03 maximum. This limits the formation of harmful carbides to a great extent. Post-weld annealing isn’t necessary in most cases.

Applications—Any fabricating applications where annealing after welding is impractical, or where the specifications are very exact regarding intergranular corrosion, otherwise used in same types of equipment as 304.

Type 316

Type 316 is a chromium-nickel stainless steel modified by the addition of molybdenum, which greatly increases its corrosion resistance as well as its mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. It is non-magnetic in the annealed condition and not hardenable by heat treatment. It is an outstanding stainless steel suitable for a large number of applications.

Applications—Widely used in the paper, textile and chemical industries, where parts are subjected to the corrosive effects of salts and reducing acids. Also used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals in order to avoid excessive metallic contamination. Since Type 316 possesses the highest creep and tensile strength at elevated temperatures of any of the more commonly used stainless steels, it finds extensive use where the combination of high strength and good corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures is required. In aircraft applications, Type 316 is used for parts requiring good corrosion resistance and low magnetic permeability.

Type 316 L (ELC)

Type 316L is very low carbon grade with general corrosion resistance similar to Type 316, but with superior resistance to intergranular corrosion during welding or stress relieving. This precludes any harmful carbide precipitation in the 800 to 1500 F range, such as might otherwise occur in welding heavy sections.

Applications—Same as those for Type 316.
All other physical characteristics and applications are similar or equivalent to regular Type 316.

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